Monday 28 September 2015

My dad's retirement from work !!!

I am writing this on the day my father is retiring from services of Canara Bank on superannuation after having worked with the bank for 36 years. OMG!!! 36 years...Can you imagine working for an organisation this long?? Well its incredible.
I do not know what is going on in his mind today, but i am sure he will be in mixed feelings.Its an accomplishment in itself. He will be happy for having completed the tenure till 60 years, at the same time he will be sad that it is his last day at work.
He loved his job,he had satisfaction in what he did and most importantly he had respect and faith for his organization.Sometimes work would be his first priority and then family, friends etc...His dedication for work is something that i always wanted to learn from him. Never on a Monday i saw him frown and complain about going to work. I am sure he is having a heart leaving his work desk,his office building, his colleagues.
He wanted to his children to be married before his retirement. I am happy that it is accomplished. He also wished for a grandchild and its my privilege I fulfilled that.He has worked very hard for us and now i want him to enjoy his retired life and do all those things for which he never found time till today. I want him to relax and enjoy leisure. After all the tension he has taken through out his journey I wish he leads a peaceful, healthy and a blessed retired life :-)

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