When I was born, I am sure my dad was the happiest person. He gave me life, nurtured me, taught me, dressed me, held me, and shouted at me but most importantly he loved me unconditionally. As I grew up, saw him change for me. I cannot remember a single time he refusing to buy me something I demanded for; instead there were times when things were in front of me even before I asked for them. When I did well in my academics, he used to be the proudest one. He did his best to make sure my wedding was the best one. Never compromised on anything related to me. He has been a great support to me throughout my life and still is. There are not enough words to describe just how important my father is for me and what a powerful influence he continues to be.
I am very lucky to have an elder brother. He has played with me, made me cry, pulled my hair, pampered me, stood up for me, fought with me, fought for me and has made me a strong person. He has been a very protective brother. He always encouraged me if I wanted to do anything new, whatever it might me, he always boosted my confidence. When he started working, the gifts from him made be so happy. Brother is a person who is there when you need him, someone who picks you up when you fall; a person who sticks up for you when no one else will.
When I met my husband, I knew I had met my soul mate. His love, his passion, his concern, his commitment towards me is unmatchable. My husband has made me laugh, wiped my tears, hugged me tight, watched me succeed, seen me fall, cheered me on, and kept me going strong. He cannot see me sad for a moment. He makes sure I am happy the all the time. He is always there beside me when I want to share my sorrows, I have a shoulder to put my head down and cry. When I am happy just sharing it with him increases the happiness. My husband is a promise from god that I will have a best friend forever.
When it comes to my father-in-law, he treats me like a daughter. He feels it is his responsibility to make sure I am comfortable and happy in his home. You may hear many women complain about mother-in-law but hardly anybody about a father-in-law. My brother-in-law is like my younger brother from another mother. He makes me laugh, keeps teasing me round the clock. They are always helpful. Both of them make me feel so much like at my home.
When I joined the IT industry as a fresher four years ago, I was the only girl among 10 guys in the team(I had all the advantages and benefits) .They helped me adapt to the corporate world, they helped me learn technologies, safeguarded me for my initial mistakes in front of leads or managers and always made sure I leave office at right time.
The friends I had in my school and college cannot be forgotten. School and college life would have been boring if these guys were not around. You might have had many friends who are girls but they might have been jealous of you for some reason or might talk behind your back at some point but that is not the case with boys. A girl might think twice before offering to help u when you need it but a guy friend will always be there for you.
I am thankful to all these men in my life for whatever contribution in whichever form they have done for me. When we have been receiving so much from men why not appreciate it. They are with us in every step of life. A brother sacrifices his chocolates for his sister, a son sacrifices his dreams for parent’s happiness, a lover spends his money for the lady he loves just to see her smiling, a father sacrifices his time for his wife and children by spending hours together at work to make his family financially strong. Yes, we women are very strong and we do not depend on them for anything but their support makes us even stronger, their care makes us feel special. This blog is dedicated to all those men who play different roles in each woman’s life.
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