Monday 28 September 2015

My First Trip outside India!!!

People say “time between the engagement and marriage is one of the best times of life”. I was in the best times of my life :-) .One day my then fiance asked me where I want to go for honeymoon. I said may be Ooty, Kodaikanal or Kerala and so on… He replied back saying this is our first trip together so let’s make it special and go outside India. I asked where He said “Mauritius“ I was shocked, I did not expect that. But then I was sooo happy listening to that I immediately said “yes let’s go to Mauritius”. It was first time I was going somewhere outside India. Moreover my first flight trip as well. I was excited and thrilled :-)
After all the wedding formalities the day came when we had to start our journey. I had butterflies in my stomach, it was a dream come true for me. My parents and In-laws came till airport with us. My happiness and excitement was beyond I can express. First trip with husband, that itself is the reason for all the happiness, adding to that happiness was the trip to Mauritius.
I was seeing the flights so closely also for the first time. It was amazing, I had the camera on and I was taking snaps of whatever I was finding new and exciting; that was almost everything. We were going to Mauritius via Dubai which was just for transit. I remember it was a Fly Emirates flight manufactured by Airbus which was taking us to Dubai. My husband had requested a window seat for me. So here I was sitting on a window seat on my first flight.
It was night when we reached Dubai; due to air traffic our flight was taking rounds in the air. The view of Dubai from flight was breathtaking. It looked so amazing, the tall buildings, the sea, the lights, and infrastructure of the city. One should definitely experience this once in their lifetime. We had many unforgettable moments during this trip, this was the first one. We had a waiting time of 6 hours in Dubai airport.6 hours is very less time to explore one of the World’s Best airport.
Flight to destination was at midnight from Dubai, when we reached Mauritius it was early in the morning. It was cloudy that day. It was like we are flying amidst the clouds. We could see the rain pouring from some of the clouds at a distance. This was the second unforgettable moment of the trip. We were above the sea and from where we could see the beautiful island Mauritius. We landed and we had an extremely good drive to our resort.
Resort that was located at the beach was very endearing. Never before in my life had I seen such a beautiful beach so calm so serene so blue so clear. Our first day trip was local Mauritius places, the capital city, museum, market and some gardens. Second day was a fun tour, we had the water sports. Speed boats, Tube riding, Para sailing, under sea walking, it was one hell of a day. Third day was a short trip to some beautiful hill view points and beaches. The next day was a free day, we had all the time to relax and take some rest. We had candle light dinner that night. Candle light dinner on the sea shore was a very romantic one. After the dinner, we were walking on the beach with nobody around us. It was like the whole beach was only for the two of us. It was the third unforgettable moment.
With a heavy heart we left Mauritius but we realized we had a bonding of a husband and wife by the end of the trip. On the way back from Dubai to Bangalore, we could see the complete view south west border of India. This too was an amazing view. Like my husband wanted our first trip to be special, it was more than special. It was indeed the best trip of my life till date.

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