Wednesday 9 January 2019

Back to reading and hence writing

Off late I started reading books again. I used to read a lot when I was single, had a lot of time for myself, but then boom my parents decided I should get married. During the first year of my wedding, wanted to spend time with my new husband, love was in the air so whenever I got free time after work and household chores, I would always cling to him. After a year through the marriage another boom, we decided we make a baby just because everyone around us were having babies. Post that there was nothing called as free time ever after.

It’s been 4 and half years now that my daughter sometimes decides mamma can get sometime for herself, and I don’t feel like spending time with the old husband anymore. And recently Chetan Bhagat’s ‘Girl in room 105’ came out and it was all over amazon. My husband who is a freak in ordering things from amazon and relishing on the cashback (giving more business to amazon in return ofcourse) saw the book and told me that my favorite author’s book is out and asks me, should he order the book hoping to get some cashback. I am in two minds thinking if I can sneak out sometime to read, but finally asked him to order. That weekend we were going to a resort to celebrate our 6th anniversary. I kept the book in the bag planning to make my daughter sleep the whole time and read, so unrealistic of me. Luckily the resort had kids play area and my husband was in full mood to have some daughter- father time and I was left alone all by myself which does not happen often. So this book was my comeback book for reading like the movie stars mainly the actresses post their maternity say ‘come back movie’, something like that for my reading. Was kind of satisfied reading the book but was not engulfed by it, his past works are more real. Now he writes with a thought of making it a movie.

After completing the book, I was inspired to read more. But which one, I was bewildered and then one day I see a post from Sonam Kapoor on Instagram that she is reading ‘Mahashweta’ written by Sudha Murthy. Sudha Murthy has always been an inspiration to me, not just because I work in the organization Infosys where she has her footprints nor because I have studied the same Electrical and Electronic subjects from the same college BVB that she has graduated from and not even because we are from the same city Hubli. All these aspects do make me feel special about myself that I share so many common things with her. But what inspires me the most about her is her persona itself. She is the best example for ‘simple living, higher thinking. I have seen her a couple of times in the organization, she is always composed, always prepared, and always humble. With all the prior admiration of Sudha Murthy I decided to read ‘Mahashweta’. After reading the book I have become a fan of her writing. Such simple writing and yet strong message. Some credits to Sonam Kapoor’s post for that, following her to get more options of books J

The next book is ‘Mrs Funnybones’ by Twinkle Khanna, so how this happened also has a story. Last weekend was at a birthday party of my college friend’s son’s 5th birthday, as it is 5th birthday she decided to make it extravagant and booked a place which had party hall and a kids play arena. So my daughter was totally enjoying herself in the colored balls and swings and slides, I wonder will she ever get bored of these games. There is cafĂ© and small library for the parents who accompany the kids and I see another mom reading the book ‘Mrs Funnybones’ and is grinning in a way that I could sense she is relating to the book and enjoying it. I decided that’s going to be my next book. I start reading the book and I had to look for at least 10 words in google in the first 10 pages. OMG, such good vocabulary and a celebrity writing about the funny things she goes through as a woman who is also a homemaker and a mother is a real good read. I am yet to finish but have decided to read all her books.

Now after reading the three books mentioned above, I am inspired and motivated to write. I thought why not start writing with the same thought. I hope I can read more and write more. These are the things I enjoy doing. Thanks to amazon that the books are now easily available to order from and they reach you next day. They are not expensive and my husband is happy to order them for me, credits to cashback. Hope you enjoyed reading this, if yes, then more coming your way!!!


  1. Bhagya....After long time cud enjoy ur writing....It's kind a feeling every woman goes thru.... Welcome back...Jus few days back I remembered u n ur blog .....Looking forward to new blogs ahead

  2. Just awesome and I felt the story just played in front of me.Long way ahead. All the best ��
