Monday 28 September 2015

How life changed in three years!!!

This is my first ever blog, always wanted to write one and i wonder why it took so long to jot down.To choose a topic to begin with,i decided i will write about how my life changed in last three years.I guess this happens in everyone's life,each one of us will have gone through this phase of life.Here is how I start about it...
I was in final year of my engineering and like everyone else i also had dreams ..Successfully completing engineering, getting a job while you are in campus etc etc...I have always been a happy go lucky kinda girl...Got through a campus interview making parents proud and myself happy,excited,anxious,nervous and what not???
The day came when my joining date had arrived and my dream was coming true...From day one of my life,I had been my parent's most pampered child.There was no single day i lived without them...So u know how difficult it is to start a new journey where at the end of day u don't go back to your parents...Till date this has been the toughest thing for me.But as they say Life goes on and time heals everything...
Here I stand three years ago from where my life changed.First day in Bangalore living as a paying guest in an apartment ,I woke up to a morning with a sound of alarm,all these years it was my mom waking me up...I was reluctant to this change...I was missing home...wanted to go back...but somehow with great courage i decided lets start off today and i will be better tomorrow...I got ready,rushed to catch the cab...Never before did i bother about time because in the city i come from and having a two wheeler i could reach anywhere in the city in 15-20 minutes span.but here in Bangalore i need 2 hours to reach the destination so u couldn't afford to miss the cab...Finally reached was a ll a new buildings...a new life...After all the formalities the day ended and reached back PG. It was like hell...Even though i was living with few girls from my college whom i knew they seemed strangers...Guess they were also going through the same transition...Day 2 ,3,4 went same like this...
Then We had a weekend,First hang out with pg was good...had good food,did some shopping,saw new places and spent some time with each to know each other first salary...celebrated with close friends (PG mates were now the close friends) ..days passed...years team mates or colleagues became my new friends and people i was living  with became my new family..and without my knowledge i had stopped missing home..had started doing everything by my own...take my own alone...realized i had become independent..
A conservative gal from a small town,who was under parent's shelter...who was scared to move to big city...had transformed into an independent woman...Life teaches you do not have to be scared of the changes..If i hadn't moved out of my comfort zone..I have no idea where would i be today...In these last three years, i had many wonderful moments...met many new married(i il mention more about this in my next blog may be)...I love my life now..
I would like to end my first blog by conveying to all , never be afraid of a change in your life... best teacher in life is life teaches u in every makes u optimistic and have a fantastic life :-) :-) :-)

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